This has been a long week. You know those weeks, something unexpected happens (and not in a good way) and then the week just never seems to end. Unfortunately I really let this week get me down and as the week draws to a close, its time I reflect on some of the things that have helped me through this week.
Yes, that is the pink panther in the background as our scarecrow.
1. Gardening. One thing I have always wanted but some severe bouts of poison ivy have kept me away from, is my own garden. That is something I have been truly blessed to have this summer. We are staying with Drew's parents this summer who have an awesome space for a garden and have graciously lent us some of their gardening space. Overall, our garden has done pretty awesome this summer and is finally starting to look like a real garden! We have two more plots around the one above that we tilled up and planted this week so we should have a couple rounds of good produce! Another awesome perk of being in the country: chickens, a.k.a. "the girls."
The Girls.
2. Cooking, of course. This week I had a pretty good go in the kitchen but one dish I want to highlight is the veggie potpie. This was my first attempt at potpie and it turned out pretty great. I have already been brainstorm ideas to perfect this pie but it definitely hit the comfort food spot. When things get stressful I tend to shy away from doing things I love but this is a perfect example of how doing something I love really can lift the spirits. Fortunately for me, this recipe turned out well, otherwise this would be a different story right now.
3. Cooking Scrabble. This morning's activities included a game of scrabble with some coffee and homemade vegan banana bread. Perfect combo! Seriously, this game is awesome. This takes my love of scrabble to whole new level. A perfect start to the weekend.
So, it's true. I have a lot to be thankful for. Thanks to my friend, The Confounded Cook for inspiring me with his wonderful blog. I should also probably thank Drew for humoring me with a game of scrabble at 9 o'clock in the morning. Now, on to some bridal shower fun this weekend!
Stressful week is a kind way of putting it! But we made it through mostly due to how truly amazing of a person you are. Your delicious meals were just the icing on the cake. One day this week I was spoiled with a Banana Bread Breakfast,a Homemade Mushroom and Cheese Pizza Lunch, and a Vegetable Pot Pie for Dinner. ALL home cooked, ALL VEGAN, ALL by Kara. Just amazing.